Search Results
Inequality Proof - a² + 3b² + 5c² less than 1 (2 of 2: Visual Proof)
Inequality Proof - a² + 3b² + 5c² less than 1 (1 of 2: Algebraic Proof)
Unusual Induction Inequality Proof (2 of 3: Working from the assumption)
Inequality Proofs: A Fundamental Result
Inequality Proofs (1 of 5: Reciprocals, Adding & Multiplying Constants & Squaring and inequalities)
Harder Inequality Proofs (Using a graph and calculus to prove an inequality)
Sign of a Function (2 of 3: Investigating inequalities)
Rearranging the word DECISIONS (1 of 2: Cases)
Rearranging the word DECISIONS (2 of 2: Symmetry & Gaps)
Introduction to Probability "PB1" (1 of 2: Why it matters)
The Leaning Cyclist (1 of 4: Introduction)
Related Trigonometric Ratios (1 of 2: Basic Examples)